Candidate for the position of Criminal Justice Paisley 3rd Year - Academic Rep

Image for Kaelyn Dillon

Kaelyn Dillon

A bit about me:

I am currently in 3rd year studying Criminal Justice

I have a worrying love for The US Office.

I did a solo trip to Thailand when I was 21 & it was the most amazing experience!

I also have the cutest sausage dog called Roo


What I would like to achieve as Rep:

  • To support students, listen to their needs and opinions and report back to lecturers with any worries
  • I will host online meetings/ask questions in order to make students voices heard.
  • As everything has moved online due to Coronavirus, I will offer greater support and guidance for anyone struggling with their academic work and their mental health
  • I want to make sure everyone has the support they need to succeed and get the grades they deserve!