Candidate for the position of Criminal Justice Paisley 1st Year - Academic Rep

Image for Shanna Hunter

Shanna Hunter

Veritas, the truth should always be spoken

My intentions if elected as a Student Representitive for the Criminal Justice course would be to ensure that each and every student feels comfortable and sure of themselves throughout the first year of university. First year can be stressful for many people, whether you start at 17 or 40, doing something new and out of your comfort zone can be challenging for many. I want to make sure that all students that are studying this course feel welcome and and confident in themselves that they are able to complete this first year and come out of it at the end wanting to continue with the rest of the course. As previously being a member of the Head Girl team when in Sixth Year, my duty was to make sure that all students in every year felt secure in themselves and knew they could come to me if they had any questions or queries about any doubts they had about school or different topics of conversation.


As well as this I want everyone to be able to enjoy the criminal justice course as they study it. There are many different topics that are in the course that are quite interesting to some people, however, there may be topics that some people may struggle in which may lead them to not enjoy the course as much. As their student rep, I want to give them the best advice on how to study for a topic that they find difficult or that they do not enjoy. I feel that everyone should have an enjoyable experience at university, especially in your first year as it makes an impact for how you view the next few years on your course.


A major issue that is affecting both students and teaching staff at UWS is the global pandemic that has had an impact in all of our lives. As a student rep, I want to ensure that everyone can change and adapt to the new teaching ways. It can be difficult and frustrating at times, but in today’s society and with the majority of the students in this course using different forms of technology, contact can be made easily. I want to make sure that everyone can keep in close contact with one another to make sure that they stay on top of the course and also be fully aware of how to use different teaching applications that will be heavily used over the course of the year. Students should not feel embarrassed about not knowing how to use these different applications as none of us knew that we would be in the situation that we are in right now. To help, I would offer my support to students who might not feel secure in using these different teaching methods and make them aware that I can provide the technical support that they are seeking and can approach me at any time if they do need any help or guidance.