Candidate for the position of Business Paisley 1st Year - Academic Rep

Elliot Wilson

Hi everyone, my name is Elliot Wilson, and I am going to be standing for 1st year Student Rep.  I am currently enrolled in the BA Law course and have enjoyed working with everyone so far, even if it is only online at the moment!  I believe that I would be good in this position as I think I have a natural ability to understand the feelings of others and would use any experiences I could to see how their problems could be amended.  I feel as though this will be especially important this year due to the stress people are putting themselves under during this pandemic and due to being one of your fellow young and also new students to the university I can understand this same pressure.  I also enjoy the challenges of trying to pass all of our points and concerns across to others and would always make sure any problems can be attended to or addressed wherever possible and I will most likely always have a mutual feeling towards anything you have raised as we are all in this situation together.  I would like to believe I have a pleasant, approachable demeanour and I’m open to hearing anything someone has to say, no matter how big or small, and using that on your behalf to make life easier for all of us during this first year.  I would like to keep this short and sweet and hope that you can find the time to vote when you can.  Keep in mind your vote for me would be a vote for all of us to get a good representation on our academic level from someone who understands the needs of new students.