Candidate for the position of Sports Coaching and Development 1st Year - Academic Rep

Image for Leah Stewart

Leah Stewart

If you laugh you won’t greet

I think I would be a good student rep as i want to help everyone have the best experience on the course and to achieve their goals for this year. I've had experience in this type of field within the school environment with being in the pupil, mental health sports council. In all of these subjects I've taken part in I grew a healthy relationship with other students and staff, and I would love to do the same at uws. With the sports council I helped with creating different sporting events and hosted our schools sports awards night. With being a rep for our course would show but also development my communication and team work skills. I was also a part of the mental health council at my school and we looked at what we can do to make school a better environment to learn in which led to me speaking to the whole school about different things that pressure us. I have great leadership skills with doing all of these extra-curricular subjects and if elected I will try my hardest to make this year the smoothest I can in these hard and unpredictable times by speaking with you guys as a whole.


From listening to people over the past week or two, quite a lot of people are finding it difficult with communicating with staff back and forth, and are finding the work is going up too late on Aula or teams before an early morning lecture. If elected I will try to fix these problems and make everyone's journey through first year that bit easier.