Candidate for the position of Applied Biosciences Lanarkshire 1st Year - Academic Rep

Image for Fiona Else-Jack

Fiona Else-Jack

Hi all, 

My name is Fiona Else-Jack and I am a first year student studying Applied Bioscience with Forensic Investigation.

I am running to be one of the Applied Bioscience’s Course Representatives.

I hope all of you have settled into studying this year already. I am truly interested to see how this academic year plans out and to get to know all of you as best as we all can during these circumstances. Regarding my experience in similar roles to this one, is that before attending this university I was a course representative for 2 years at the college I attended last academic year. I was also a prefect at my high school before that as well.

If I had to describe myself, I’m someone who loves to meet new people. I truly do love helping people out and to see that true justice prevails. Most of my life I lived in the German area of Switzerland, but I am British. I went to Boarding School and college in England to finish up my secondary school studies. I speak English, German and Swiss German.

With my experience living here, there and everywhere, I understand and have exerperienced how it is to have a new start living on your own away from everyone you know, which will be what most of you living in at university are experiencing right now. I can also relate to everyone living at home at university as I am experiencing that currently myself this year due to the Corona Virus.

My main ambition for this academic year if I was to become your course representative is to provide each one of you with a voice. A voice that truly wants to speak about what each one of you truly thinks needs to be heard about our course. I think it's important to deal with the issues we may face, especially during unprecedented times like these as the university itself is finding a new way to educate us. Which is why I feel especially this year reaching out to you all and getting feedback on everything about our course is important. To make sure you’re all doing well and thriving on the course and that the quality of the education experience we have is as great as it can be.

Wishing you all the best and thank you for reading,

Fiona Else-Jack