Candidate for the position of Pre-Reg Nursing Paisley 1st Year - Academic Rep

Image for Heather Killorn

Heather Killorn

Keep to the Code

If elected as a class representative I promise to uphold the four main principles of the NMC Code:

Prioritise People - we are the future of nursing and so I will prioritise each and every individual studying Pre-reg Adult Nursing at Paisley Campus.

Practise effectively - I will take our questions and concerns to our lecturers and come back with solutions.

Preserve Safety - we are living in strange times, when the profession we are aspiring to is stretched as thin as we have seen in our lifetime. I will make our cohort's well-being my priority and help navigate through the situation we find ourselves in, such as working from home and the many challenges that brings.

Promote professionalism and trust - I have never been a representative of a student body before however I have led teams, albeit much smaller ones! I promise to do my best to build a safe space to share your thoughts and to build trust.

We will keep to the Code...just like the pirates of the Caribbean! Anyone else hear that when thinking about the Code? No? Just me..? Cool.