Candidate for the position of Business Paisley 3rd Year - Academic Rep

Brendan McSkeane

Let’s Get Through This Together!

I don't think I would be a good student representative. That's what I told myself last year at South Lanarkshire college, however, I stood up to the plate to represent my class and I couldn't be happier with the results I achieved. I became a SPARQS partner which allowed me to fully understand how to represent my class and how best to successfully achieve results.

During the year I and my fellow representative improved many aspects of course. These included more funding for library books and putting pressure on the college to implement new training courses for students who required additional help with technology such as OneDrive and Microsoft Word. 

Now all that's out the way, I want to represent what I would do for you. I want to ensure this year, is an enjoyable year, a year where you don't need to worry about online learning. A year in which we can give feedback and improve learning online. I want to ensure everyone is heard, I want to ensure learning isn't suffering because of the situation we are in. I want to ensure you meet your goals and objectives at UWS.

I would like to set up a Team on Microsoft Teams that would allow me to be easily available to everyone I represent, a place where people can achieve help, I want to use this situation to further ourselves in skills and knowledge around technology. We should have in-depth guild es on how to use programs such as Microsoft Teams, why don't we have them? I don't know but I would find out and ensure we have the support necessary to get through this. 

Because together, we can get through this!