Candidate for the position of Pre-Reg Nursing Ayr 1st Year - Academic Rep

Image for Emma Hunter

Emma Hunter

"Be the change you want to see in the world"

Hiya, I'm Emma Hunter, a first year adult nursing student.  10 years ago, i attended university for the first time where i hid in the shadows, didnt view my opinions, just got on with it really. I was absolutely terrified! Terrified of something new, terrified of speaking out and sounding absolutely ridiculous, and just felt that noone would really be interested in my opinion anyway. This time round i can do it different.  I can be your voice, eyes and ears. I can listen when you are terrified and i can liaise with the staff when you want something aired that you maybe feel unsettled over. Being a class rep would allow me to do this. It would allow me to advocate for all of you. 

Life and student experience has taught me many great things but most importantly it has taught me honesty and how to be a fighter and these are both attributes i would carry 100% in my heart if i was given this role. Patience and calmness are a couple of more traits that i tend to bring forward to fully support students with any issues or challenges they face throughout first year. 

1. We all know we can speak- we all know we have a voice but we dont all want to use it. I aim to be that person and set up routes that you can contact me, whether its totally annoymous or not; via whatsapp, facebook private groups, 1-1 chats, anytime to ensure you are heard without the fear of judgement. 

2. I aim to be a voice for fellow students when out on placement, if you become ill either mentally or physcially. I aim to present your case and aim to provide each student with the opportunity to make up any hours that are missed at the end of each year. 

Obviously this is all a learning curve for me as it is for you. I've never been a student rep before. However, i will fight to the best of my ability to give you all a voice so that each and every one of you are heard. 

Its not about adding days to life; it's about adding life to day. 

Love, Emma.