Candidate for the position of Sports and Exercise Science 1st Year - Academic Rep

Cameron Mackenzie

The Best in the West of Scotland

Cameron MacKenzie – 1st Year Sport and Exercise Science Representative Manifesto


Hello Everyone! My name is Cameron MacKenzie and you can probably already come to the conclusion that I am applying for the role of 1st Year Sport and Exercise Science Student Rep.

I believe that I am the best candidate for this role as I am always willing to help out my peers; I have demonstrated this already in the short time since we’ve started at this university by helping people in the group-chat when they are unsure of the schedule or what work is supposed to be in for what day. This shows that I am comfortable in my understanding of the course and am willing to help others out when I don’t necessarily have to. Another reason I believe I would be suitable for this role is because of my communicational skills. These skills are very relevant to this role as Student Representative as it will allow me to stay in contact with everyone involved in the course and make sure that I’m feeding the information to lecturers from the students and vice versa. This will allow everything to be well organised and won’t be rushing around last minute to get things done.

If I was given this responsibility, I am very confident that I would excel in this role. Some things I envision doing are working with our lecturers to create and plan out unique and relevant working experiences so that we are better equipped to go out into the ‘real world’ after our time at university.

Thank you all for your time spent reading this, I would really appreciate it if I was given this role.

Have a nice day!