Candidate for the position of President

Image for Ramy Aly

Ramy Aly

Why you should elect me to be the president?

There are several factors and reasons to why you should elect me to be your president. 

First of all, I am Ramy Aly, I am currently studying BSc (Hons) Web and Mobile Development as a first year undergraduate returning student. I am also the student rep for first years in the computing engineering and physical sciences department and also the chair SSLG meetings for the CEPS as well.


Do you feel you are voice is not heard? Do you feel change needs to happen? Are you not happy with the current laws of the university? And much more. 

If you nominate me to be your president, I will make sure that all your voices are heard, every single voice will be taken into account and to the board members and trustees. Nominate me so we can work together and change things the way we want it to be and for you to be heard.  

The university throughout the years has been going through changes even much more since the Covid-19, but not many students are happy with the decisions made undergraduate and graduates. Majority of the issues which are still present till today. As elected president, I promise to deliver the best and top of results for everything that need to change and to take it on board with other members of the board. I have the ability to change rules and regulations of the university and by laws which at the moment are getting refused. Students success and issues will be taken seriously from L7 to postgraduate. 

I will do everything in my power to change what needs to change during my time as an elected president. 

Last but not least:

Elect me to be your president to get your voice heard, change the by laws, to have the university change things the way it should be!