On Thursday 12th December, our Midwifery Society enjoyed a festive end to a busy term at the Lanarkshire campus. They hosted their annual Christmas party; filled with laughs, sweet treats and Christmas Olympics

The Power of Midwifery Societies: Creating lasting connections and harnessing the power of enthusiasm
The society has continued to grow this year and have hosted a variety of events and activities to help students support each other, enjoy their university experience and gain extra skills and qualifications. Their Vice President Mira recently had her thoughts on the impact of the society published in the Maternity & Midwifery Forum:
What have they done this term?
It’s hard to keep up but here’s a quick insight into some (but not all) of the activities our Midwifery students have organised so far this year…
- Two coffee and cake afternoons - opportunities for the incoming cohort to meet their senior peers
- Two Coffee and cake at the beach - cold-water swim meet ups offering students a fun opportunity to meet in a setting not related to midwifery
- An online Journal club - providing cohorts additional opportunities to develop their critical thinking and writing
- A Halloween Movie Night - a fun, free, social event organised at the university campus
- Online placement catch up for Part 3 students - regular drop in catch ups providing a safe space to support each other through placements
- Biomechanics for Birth Workshop - a teaching workshop with a renowned midwife, which providing an additional training opportunity and qualification for students
- Applicant’s Evening - an annual event designed to inspire future midwifery applicants and help them on their journey to becoming students' midwives. “We know what you feel! We were just there!”
- Continue to host the UWS Midwifery Society Podcast - https://open.spotify.com/show/3dD8DssiN5eeZbyAayXOqe?si=vogQiwdETcClsn9WAqDtrg

And it doesn’t stop there! They have many more events and training courses planned for next term too!
You can find out more on what they’re up to on the society’s social media channels:
For more information, drop the society an email: UWSMidSoc@gmail.com
Find out about all our student societies, and how you can get involved, here: Find & Join Societies (uwsunion.org.uk)