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Women's Group

We are dedicated to the liberation of women, we welcome all women in the UWS to join our society. We hold events to create awareness on the struggles of women and create a safe haven for women.

About us

UWS Women is the Intersectional Feminism group at the University of the West of Scotland. We believe that feminism must be inclusive and supportive, and we put on events to raise awareness of issues facing women globally, in Scotland, and at UWS.

Our Vision is to empower women creatively.

Mission Statement: To create a safe and enabling environment for women's empowerment through community-based initiatives.

If you'd like to work with us, or are interested in joining our group, please feel free to get in touch!

This society is an inclusive safe space for everyone who identifies with the label "woman", including non-binary people who may also identify with that label.

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