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Policy Idea

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    McGill's Buses - Give Mature Students the Student Day Ticket (Policy Lapse)

      To instruct Sabbatical Officers to actively engage McGills Buses in the campaign to offer all students the student day ticket. This campaign should include promoting student direct actions, petitions, and removing advertisement from student association premises until the student tickets are no longer age exclusionary.

      Why you think it is important

      McGills offer all other student tickets for students of all ages. Purchasing a week/month ticket is not worth it for students who are not in 5 days a week. Most student reps will be aware that there is a large number of programmes which do not run every day of the week and so a Day ticket is the best ticket for them. Establishing a 16-22 years old age limit is discriminatory against mature students, who do make up a significant proportion of our student population. The Students Association should condemn these actions in every way possible.

      Is there anything else you think we should know? Passed March 2019

      I have read the guidance on what makes a good policy on the student council page

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