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Day 15 - Gender Based Violence and COVID

Part of the 16 Days of Action Against Gender Based Violence Campaign

Day Fifteen - GBV and COVID-19. Content Warning: discussion of GBV and Coronavirus

CONTENT WARNING: discussion of GBV and Coronavirus


The Covid pandemic has had a double impact on women experiencing gender based violence. Not only are they facing the typical anxieties and disruption which the pandemic has brought but they are also trapped at home with their abuser.

In the UK the number of women murdered by their partner more than doubled to 16 women during the first lockdown.

More time in close contact with others in often cramped conditions, disruption of livelihoods and the ability to earn a living all culminate in magnified household stress which has seen women at increased risk of abuse and violence.

There has also been a disruption of protection services and networks with women having less contact with friends who may be able to provide support or notice something is wrong and health services being scaled back meaning women have less chance to access helplines, crisis centres, legal aid and counselling.

We would encourage you to watch this video which details ways in which we can all help women during the pandemic: