Student Services’ Funding and Advice Team has been shortlisted for the College & University Business Officers (CUBO) Innovation Award for Excellence in Student Experience.
Student Services’ Funding and Advice Team has been shortlisted for the College & University Business Officers (CUBO) Innovation Award for Excellence in Student Experience.
The CUBO Awards, which are an annual event to recognise the achievements of those working within the higher education industry, are being announced at a ceremony at the University of Kent on Wednesday 28 June 2017.
The Funding and Advice Team, has been shortlisted for this award as a result of a number of its initiatives it has undertaken in partnership with SAUWS to improve student financial capability through increasing student knowledge and skills to make their food budget go further.
Janice Pattie, Depute Head of Student Services, said: “We are delighted to have been shortlisted for this prestigious award. It is a huge honour and is testament to all the hard work of everyone in the Funding and Advice Team.”
CUBO is the professional association for senior managers in higher education whose responsibilities include the strategic development, management and administration of an institution's commercial business.
Continue reading to find out why The Funding and Advice Team.
‘Waste Not, Want Not’
National Student Money Week UWS 2017
Student Services and Student Association (SAUWS) working in partnership to improve student financial capability through increasing student knowledge and skills to make their food budget go further. Activities were delivered across five UK campuses, Ayr, Dumfries, Hamilton, London and Paisley between 6 -10 February and focussed on shopping more wisely, safely storing food in to make it last longer, cooking, and reducing food waste by learning how to make new meals from leftovers. The campaign was supported by an active social media campaign on Twitter #NMSW17UWS and Facebook with levels of student engagement surpassing anything we have achieved previously.
The following some of the activities delivered in Money Week:
The Afoodable Guide brings together advice and tips into one resource available on the Funding & Advice website as well as printed copy. The book contains recipes provided by staff and students, tips for saving money and advice on storing food to make it last longer.

Save a bunch, pack a lunch students were encouraged to share lunchbox ideas, with examples of savings were given. Insulated lunch bags were given away to encourage a packed lunch habit.
Bargain Bamboozle put students’ mathematical skills to the test to identify the best supermarket bargains from a range of options with the chance to win a slow cooker.
Grow your Own: Funding & Advice Team made a successful application for a small grant from the NUS Green Impact Project which was used to provide students with seed packs to grow their own herbs and salad leaves. The activity was supported by the SAUWS Environmental Team who provided students with pots and compost to plant their seeds.
National Student Money Week is a nationwide campaign that is led by the National Association of Student Money Advisers (NASMA) each year. UWS National Student Money Week campaign was run as a partnership between Student Services Funding & Advice Team and SAUWS (Student Association University of the West of Scotland) Welfare Team.
SAUWS Environment Team planting workshops, learn to sew, crochet lessons and upcycling workshops.
UWS Catering launched their new value menu.
UWS Library displayed our money week resources across all campus libraries.
UWS Finance engaged students with their Fraud Awareness campaign, including linking with Police Scotland at Ayr Campus on Safer Internet Day 2017.
Love Food Hate Waste delivered training to staff and students on Paisley Campus.
Renfrewshire Wide Credit Union and Solway Credit Union to promote local credit unions.
“The event was a resounding success and the chatter that we have received back from students has been overwhelmingly positive. We're particularly proud of the Afoodable Guide, which the students really enjoyed. Hopefully there will be lots of healthy, low cost home cooked meals being cooked by our students!” David Devlin, SAUWS
“It was a good way for us to raise students’ awareness and engage them in discussion about potential fraud risks and how to protect themselves.” Yvonne Sanderson, UWS Finance
“Being a bit of a gardener, I was chosen to be the lead student volunteer for the seed planting workshop. I was very impressed by how many students took part, all participants embraced this project with gusto. This enthusiasm made me want to carry out this project to the best of my ability, which is why some students even left with notes.” June, Post Graduate student
“It really was an incredible event and I’m so pleased to hear that it has resonated with students. Congratulations to both SAUWS and the Funding and Advice Team for an impactful collaboration!” Bre Edwards, Director of Student Life