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    Silent Study Space for UWS London Campus Students

      It has been noticed that the UWS London campus only consists of 5 Lecture rooms and 8-10 Small meeting rooms. While the library is near the reception, where students or visitors are often asking for help to resolve their issues, which results in noise that can’t be digested by the students who need silence in the open library space to concentrate. It is requested to President, VP, Sabbatical officer, and student representatives expedite the process to resolve this issue on priorities.

      Why you think it is important

      Immediate actions are required on this burning issue which is creating enormous problems for final term students and even the new researcher. Due to the unavailability of the space, students start chatting and wandering here and there. It has been observed that if you want to learn something your need to create environment so as to execute accordingly, if UWS is not providing the environment then it is not possible for new researchers and students to explore more in the world of academics and publishing more content in international journals.

      Is there anything else you think we should know?

      UWS London Campus has two floors in East India Dock Road 1. Import Building 2. Export Building Import Building is older with half of the 7th floor, where an open library is situated, and students are not enjoying the study resources actively due to noise. That’s why in import building it is impossible to make space for the study area. On the other hand, in the Export building whole 7th floor is now part of UWS, which is indeed a piece of great news for students; we can use some of the space by putting partitions along with the bookshelves for the library, where students can enjoy their research.

      I have read the guidance on what makes a good policy on the student council page

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