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Here you can find a list of all the policies which have been passed by student council. We're working on a live tracker so you can check the progress of each policy, but until we've got that up and running please contact your student president team to ask for an update on policies. You can also check out current ideas and rejected ideas.

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  • 2 score
    2 voters

    Notifications for distance learning students

      Distance Learning students who are clearly remote from the campus need to be informed when teaching staff are unavailable.

      Why you think it is important

      As a distance learning student I have answered posts from other students on the news forum seeking input from tutors and also emailed my personal tutor without any responses. After phoning my personal tutors campus base I discovered she was on holiday. I think there needs to be some kind of built in notification process on Moodle that enables us to see at a glance whether teaching staff are available for contact and guidance rather than potentially waiting a week or two for a reply from an email. Distance learning can be isolating enough as it is.

      Is there anything else you think we should know?

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